入选国家级人才计划青年项目,天津市海外高层次人才青年项目,天津大学“北洋青年学者”。主要从事天然产物、蛋白质翻译后修饰的生物合成研究,特别是金属酶的功能和催化机制解析,以及酶促非天然反应的研究。近年来在Science, JACS, ACS catalysis等期刊发表学术论文多篇。现主持合成生物学领域国家自然科学基金和天津市自然基金等项目。
After join TJU
19. Yao, Y.; He, J.; Chen, F.; Dong, M.*. Arsinothricin Biosynthesis Involving a Radical SAM Enzyme for Noncanonical SAM Cleavage and C-As Bond Formation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 21214-21219
18. Jiang, Y.; Yao, M.; Feng, J.; Niu, H.; Qiao, B.; Li, B.; Wang, B.*; Xiao, W.*; Dong, M.*, Yuan, Y. Molecular Insights into Converting Hydroxide Adenosyltransferase into Halogenase. J Agric Food Chem 2024, 72, 12685-12695
17. Yu, N.; Zhao H.; Wang, W.; Dong, M.*. Enzymatic fluoroethylation by a fluoroethyl selenium analogue of S-adenosylmethionine. ACS Catalysis. 2024, 14, 6211–6216
16. Jiang, Y.; Yao, M.; Niu, H.; Wang, W.; He, J.; Qiao, B.; Li, B.; Dong, M.*, Xiao, W.*; Yuan, Y. Enzyme Engineering Renders Chlorinase the Activity of Fluorinase. J Agric Food Chem 2024, 72, 1203-1212.
15. Wang, W.; Zhao H.; Yu, N.; Chen, F.; Dong, M.*. Stable S-Adenosylmethionine Analogue for Enzymatic Fluoromethylation. ACS Catalysis. 2023, 13, 13729-13734
14. Huang, R.; Zhi, N.; Yu, L.; Li, Y.; Wu, X.; He, J.; Zhu, H.; Qiao, J.; Liu, X.; Tian, C.; Wang, J *; Dong, M.* Genetically encoded photosensitizer protein reduces iron-sulfur clusters of radical SAM enzymes. ACS Catalysis, 2023, 13, 1240-1245.
13. Zhi, N.; Zhu, H.; Qiao, J.; Dong, M.* Recent progress in radical SAM enzymes: New reactions and mechanisms. Chin. Sci. Bull 2022, 67, 1806-1820
12. Li, Y.; Yao, Y.; Yu, L.; Tian, C.; Dong, M.* Mechanistic investigation of B12-independent glycerol dehydratase and its activating enzyme GD-AE. Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 2738-2741
11. Zhou, S.; Chen, X.; Ni, X*.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, H.; Dong, M.*; Xia, H*. Pyridoxal-5´-phosphate-dependent enzyme GenB3 Catalyzes C-3´,4´-dideoxygenation in gentamicin biosynthesis. Microb. Cell. Fact. 2021, 20:65, 1-12.
10. Fenwick, M. K.; Su, Dan.; Dong, M.; Lin, H *; Ealick, S. E.* Structural Basis of the Substrate Selectivity of Viperin. Biochemistry 2020, 59, 652–662.
9. Dong M, Dando EE, Kotliar I, Su X, Dzikovski B, Freed JH, Lin H. The asymmetric function of Dph1-Dph2 heterodimer in diphthamide biosynthesis. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 2019, 24, 777-782.
8. Fenwick, M. K.; Dong, M.; Lin, H.; Ealick, S. E.*. The Crystal Structure of Dph2 in Complex with Elongation Factor 2 Reveals the Structural Basis for the First Step of Diphthamide Biosynthesis. Biochemistry 2019, 58, 4343–4351.
Select Publications Before 2019
7. Dong, M.; Kathiresan, V.; Fenwick, M. K.; Torelli, A. T.; Zhang, Y.; Caranto, J. D; Dzikovski, B.; Sharma, A.; Lancaster, K. M.; Freed, J. H.; Ealick, S. E.; Hoffman, B. M.; Lin, H. Organometallic and radical intermediates reveal mechanism of diphthamide biosynthesis. Science 2018. 359, 1247-1250.
6. Dong, M.; Zhang, Y.G.; Lin, H. Methods for Studying the Radical SAM Enzymes in Diphthamide Biosynthesis. Methods Enzymol. 2018, 606, 421-438.
5. Dong, M.; Zhang, Y.G.; Lin, H. Noncanonical Radical SAM Enzyme Chemistry Learned from Diphthamide Biosynthesis. Biochemistry 2018. 57, 3454–3459. (Invited Perspective).
4. Dong, M.; Horitani, M.; Dzikovski, B.; Freed, J. H.; Ealick, S. E.; Hoffman, B. M.; Lin, H. Substrate-Dependent Cleavage Site Selection by Unconventional Radical S Adenosylmethionine Enzymes in Diphthamide Biosynthesis. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017. 139, 5680-5683
3. Dong, M#.; Horitani, M#.; Dzikovski, B.; Pandelia, M. E.; Krebs, C.; Freed, J. H.; Hoffman, B.; Lin, H. Organometallic complex formed by an unconventional radical SAM enzyme. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016. 138, 9755-9758.
2. Lin, Z.; Dong, M.; Zhang, Y.; Lee, E.; Lin, H. Cytochrome B5 reductase is a Dph3 reductase required for the tRNA wobble uridine modification. Nat. Chem. Biol. 2016. 12,995–997
1. Dong, M.; Su, X.; Dzikovski, B. G.; Dando, E. E.; Zhu, X.; Du, J.; Freed, J. H.; Lin, H. Dph3 is an electron donor for Dph1-Dph2 in the first step of eukaryotic diphthamide biosynthesis. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 1754−7
研究生导师类型 |
学术型硕导,专业型硕导,学术型博导,专业型博导 |
学术型硕士招生学科 |
0817Z1制药工程,0817]4合成生物学 |
学术型硕士招生研究方向 |
00不区分研究方向 |
专业型硕士招生学科 |
086000生物与医药(专业学位) |
专业型硕士招生研究方向 |
01制药工程,03合成生物学 |