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程庆鹏 副教授


2019年博士毕业于天津大学化工学院。2019-2024年,分别在沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学电子显微成像专家韩宇教授课题组、能源化工领域知名学者Jorge Gascon教授课题组进行博士后研究工作。2025年回国加入天津大学化工学院李新刚教授课题组,任特聘研究员/英才副教授(长聘)。研究方向围绕“化学键活化本质和产物选择性调控机制”关键科学问题开展工作,构建了“机理探索–位点设计–催化剂开发”三位一体的研究框架,系统开展低碳分子催化转化研究。迄今为止,以第一/通讯作者在Nat. Commun.、J. Am.

  • 电子邮箱:qpcheng@tju.edu.cn

  • 办公电话:18222109573

  • 个人网站:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=eny2yDcAAAAJ&hl=en









Energy Environ. Sci., Appl. Catal. B,Chem. Eng. J等学术期刊审稿人。



主持并参与国家级科研项目多项、 天津大学“北洋学者英才计划”启动基金.


1. Xiaoshen Li, Qingpeng Cheng*, Yingtian Zhang, Yunhao Liu, Yu Pan, Dejian Zhao, Shaohui Xiong, Wei Liu, Xueyang Jiang, Jiayan Yan, Xiang Duan, Ye Tian*, Xingang Li*. Engineering lattice dislocations of TiO2 support of PdZn-ZnO dual-site catalysts to boost CO2 hydrogenation to methanol. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2025, e202424435.

2. Qingpeng Cheng, Xueli Yao, Guanna Li, Guanxing Li, Lirong Zheng, Kaijie Yang, Abdul-Hamid Emwas, Xingang Li, Yu Han*, Jorge Gascon*. Atomically Dispersed Fe-Cu Dual-Metal Sites Synergistically Boost Carbonylation of Methane. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, 136 (43), e202411048. (Hot papers)

3. Qingpeng Cheng, Xueli Yao, Lifeng Ou, Zhenpeng Hu, Lirong Zheng, Guanxing Li, Natalia Morlanes, Jose Luis Cerrillo, Pedro Castaño, Xingang Li, Jorge Gascon*, Yu Han*. Highly Efficient and Stable Methane Dry Reforming Enabled by a Single-site Cationic Ni Catalyst. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023, 145, 25109–25119.

4. Qingpeng Cheng, Guanna Li, Xueli Yao, Lirong Zheng, Junhu Wang, Abdul-Hamid Emwas, Pedro Castaño, Javier Ruiz-Martinez, Yu Han*. Maximizing Active Fe Species in ZSM-5 Zeolite Using Organic-Template-Free Synthesis for Efficient Selective Methane Oxidation. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023, 145, 5888–5898.

5. Qingpeng Cheng, Ye Tian, Shuaishuai Lyu, Na Zhao, Kui Ma, Tong Ding, Zheng Jiang, Lihua Wang, Jing Zhang, Lirong Zheng, Fei Gao, Lin Dong, Noritatsu Tsubaki*, Xingang Li*. Confined small-sized cobalt catalysts stimulate carbon-chain growth reversely by modifying ASF law of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 3250-3258. (Editors’ highlights)

6. Qingpeng Cheng, Na Zhao, Lyu Shuaishuai, Ye Tian, Fei Gao, Lin Dong, Zheng Jiang, Jing Zhang, Noritatsu Tsubaki*, Xingang Li*. Tuning interaction between cobalt catalysts and nitrogen dopants in carbon nanospheres to promote Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 248, 73-83.

7. Xincheng Li, Yunhao Liu, Qingpeng Cheng*, Ye Tian, Yingtian Zhang, Tong Ding, Song Song, Xingang Li*. Efficient and Stable Production of Long-Chain Hydrocarbons over Hydrophobic Carbon-Encapsulated TiO2 Supported Ru Catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis. ACS Catalysis, 2024, 14, 10365-10375. (Editor’s highlights)

8. Yunhao Liu, Qingpeng Cheng*, Shuaishuai Lyu, Xincheng Li, Song Song, Tong Ding, Ye Tian*, Xingang Li*. Strategic Assembly of Active Phases on Co-Fe Bimetallic Catalysts for Efficient Fischer- Tropsch Synthesis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 494, 152936.

9. Qingpeng Cheng, Yunhao Liu, Shuaishuai Lyu, Ye Tian, Qingxiang Ma, Xingang Li*. Manipulating metal-support interactions of metal catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 35, 220-230.

10. Xueli Yao#, Qingpeng Cheng# (co-first author), Xueqin Bai, Bambar Davaasuren, Georgian Melinte, Natalia Morlanés, Jose Luis Cerrillo Olmo, Vijay K Velisoju, Hend Omar Mohamed, Pewee Datoo Kolubah, Lirong Zheng, Yu Han, Osman Bakr, Jorge Gascon, Pedro Castano*. Enlarging the Three-Phase Boundary to Raise CO2/CH4 Conversions on Exsolved Ni–Fe Alloy Perovskite Catalysts by Minimal Rh Doping, ACS Catalysis, 2024, 14, 5639-5653.

11. Xueli Yao#, Qingpeng Cheng#(co-first author), Yerrayya Attada, Samy Ould-Chikh, Adrian Ramirez, Xueqin Bai, Hend Omar Mohamed, Guanxing Li, Genrikh Shterk, Lirong Zheng, Jorge Gascon, Yu Han, Osman Bakr, Pedro Castano*. Atypical Stability of Exsolved Ni-Fe Alloy Nanoparticles on Double Layered Perovskite for CO2 Dry Reforming of Methane. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2023, 328, 122479.

12. Yunhao Liu, Qingpeng Cheng*, Shaohui Xiong, Yingtian Zhang, Li Tan, Song Song, Tong Ding, Ye Tian, Xingang Li*, Enhancing CO2 hydrogenation performance via the synergistic effects of iron carbides and iron oxides. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2025, 104, 66-75











