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吕佳绯 副教授


天津大学工学学士、工学博士。2017 年至 2019 年在美国西北大学 Omar K. Farha 教授课题组访学。主要从事多孔框架材料的拓扑结构设计、合成及其在吸附分离、膜分离、催化等领域的应用。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目、天津市自然科学基金项目、天津大学科技领军创新人才培育项目、中国博士后面上资助项目、 特别资助项目, 企业委托项目等。在JACS, Advanced Functional Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal,Chemical Science,Chemistry of Materials,ACS AMI,Separation and Purification Technology,Chemical Communications 等期刊发表高水平 SCI 论文 50 余篇,申请发明专利 12 项,编写英文专著章节《Applications of Organic Ion Exchange Resins in Water Treatment》,担任Molecules杂志客座编辑和 JACS,ACS Applied Materials & Interface,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,The Journal of Physical Chemistry,Molecules 等多个期刊审稿专家。

  • 电子邮箱:jflv@tju.edu.cn

  • 办公电话:15022704292

  • 个人网站:https://faculty.tju.edu.cn/236105/en/








先后主持国家自然科学基金项目、天津市自然科学基金项目、天津大学科技领军创新人才培育项目、中国博士后面上资助项目、 特别资助项目, 企业委托项目等。在JACS, Advanced Functional Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal,Chemical Science,Chemistry of Materials,ACS AMI,Separation and Purification Technology,Chemical Communications 等期刊发表高水平 SCI 论文 50 余篇,申请发明专利 12 项,编写英文专著章节《Applications of Organic Ion Exchange Resins in Water Treatment》,担任Molecules杂志客座编辑和 JACS,ACS Applied Materials & Interface,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,The Journal of Physical Chemistry,Molecules 等多个期刊审稿专家。




[1]Lyu, J.; Gong, X.; Lee, S.-J.; Gnanasekaran, K.; Zhang, X.; Wasson, M. C.; Wang, X.; Bai, P.; Guo, X.; Gianneschi, N. C.; Farha, O. K., Phase Transitions in Metal-Organic Frameworks Directly Monitored through In Situ Variable Temperature Liquid-Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy and In Situ X-ray Diffraction. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142 (10), 4609-4615.

[2]Luo, R.; Fu, H.; Li, Y.; Xing, Q.; Liang, G.; Bai, P.; Guo, X.; Lyu, J.; Tsapatsis, M., In Situ Fabrication of Metal–Organic Framework Thin Films with Enhanced Pervaporation Performance. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 2213221.

[3]Wu, B.; Jiang, X.; Yu, S.; Bai, P.; Guo, X.; Lyu, J., Unveiling the nature of boric acid adsorption by metal-organic frameworks with hexanuclear clusters. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 433.

[4]Meng, X.; Luo, R.; Guo, G.; Li, Y.; Fang, H.; Bai, P.; Lyu, J.; Guo, X., Boron adsorption and isotopic separation from water by isostructural metal-organic frameworks MIL-100(M). Desalination 2022, 541.

[5]Lyu, J.; Zhang, X.; Otake, K.-i.; Wang, X.; Li, P.; Li, Z.; Chen, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Wasson, M. C.; Yang, Y.; Bai, P.; Guo, X.; Islamoglu, T.; Farha, O. K., Topology and porosity control of metal-organic frameworks through linker functionalization. Chem. Sci. 2019, 10 (4), 1186-1192.

[6]Lyu, J.; Zhang, X.; Li, P.; Wang, X.; Buru, C. T.; Bai, P.; Guo, X.; Farha, O. K., Exploring the Role of Hexanuclear Clusters as Lewis Acidic Sites in Isostructural Metal-Organic Frameworks. Chemistry of Materials 2019, 31 (11), 4166-4172.

[7]Lyu, J.; Zhang, X.; Chen, Z.; Anderson, R.; Wang, X.; Wasson, M. C.; Bai, P.; Guo, X.; Islamoglu, T.; Gomez-Gualdron, D. A.; Farha, O. K., Modular Synthesis of Highly Porous Zr-MOFs Assembled from Simple Building Blocks for Oxygen Storage. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11 (45), 42179-42185.

[8]Jiang, X.; Wu, B.; Bai, P.; Lyu, J.; Guo, X., Novel Fluorine-Pillared Metal–Organic Framework for Highly Effective Lithium Enrichment from Brine. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13 (40), 47793-47799.

[9]Xin, T.; Chen, M.; Liu, Z.; Luo, R.; Xing, Q.; Bai, P.; Guo, X.; Lyu, J., Highly efficient separation of glucose and fructose by pore exclusion of zirconium-based metal− organic frameworks isomers. Separation and Purification Technology 2023, 319, 124038.

[10]Huangfu, C.; Yu, S.; Tong, B.; Yang, A.; Lyu, J.; Guo, X., Efficient lithium extraction from aqueous solutions by MIL-100(Fe): A study on adsorption kinetics, thermodynamics and mechanism. Separation and Purification Technology 2023, 322, 124365.

[11]Fu, H.; Luo, R.; Liu, P.; Yu, S.; Xing, Q.; Bai, P.; Guo, X.; Lyu, J., Mixed matrix membrane for enhanced Ethanol/Water pervaporation separation by incorporation of hydrophilic Zr-MOF NU-906 in chitosan. Separation and Purification Technology 2023, 318, 123985.

[12]Lyu, J.; Zhang, N.; Liu, H.; Zeng, Z.; Zhang, J.; Bai, P.; Guo, X., Adsorptive removal of boron by zeolitic imidazolate framework: kinetics, isotherms, thermodynamics, mechanism and recycling. Separation and Purification Technology 2017, 187, 67-75.











