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曲红梅 副教授


硕导,CSC派至日本北海道大学博士后、研究员;主持参与国家基金、教育部、省校及企业合作项目20多项;挂职江苏;SCI/EI论文30多篇,1区7,总被引1109,H-index 16;专利授权9。

  • 电子邮箱:ququhongmei@126.com

  • 办公电话:13512888615

  • 个人网站:






日本化学会会员;教育部留学归国基金评审专家;MINI-REVIEWS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY审稿人


日本北海道大学触媒化学研究センタ高桥教授(2010诺贝尔化学奖获得者根岸教授团队)实验室博士后、研究员。发表论文85篇,SCI/EI收录30多篇,1区7篇,总被引1109次,被超1732位学者引用,H-index 16。Chlorine disinfection increases both intracellular and extracellular antibiotic resistance genes in a full-scale wastewater treatment plant : 2018 被引次数:371

Cu-catalyzed intramolecular aryl-etherification reactions of alkoxyl alkynes with diaryliodonium salts via cleavage of a stable C-O bond : 2015 被引次数:55

Novel naphthalimide derived fluorescent probe based on aggregation-induced emission for turn-on detection of hydrogen sulfide : 2021 被引次数:32


负责东北制药、石药、中船等委托项目7项;负责河北省省校合作项目2;负责天大自主基金;负责教育部“蓝火计划”产学研联合创新项目;负责 国家自然科学基金, 新型含硅桥联并苯联苯化合物的合成及性能研究,(批准号:21102099);负责天津大学-武清区科技专项基金 2;负责 教育部留学归国基金,参加 日本科技振兴协会(JST)与SORST5亿日元课题。


1.Zonghao Wanga, Hongmei Qua,*, et al., Promoting intersystem crossing by charge transfer state of dimers for persistent room temperature phosphorescence, Dyes and Pigments, 2024, 222: 111870

2.Xiaolong Lia, Hongmei Qua,*, et al.,. Fluorescent probe for detection of formaldehyde based on UiO-66-NH2,Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2023,317:123672-123682

3.ZHANG Xiaokun1, LI Xiaolong1, WANG Zonghao1, BAI Lulu1,QU Hongmei1, et al., Multifunctional AIE molecules possess long-lasting room temperature phosphorescence, thermally activated delayed fluorescence and dual-mode mechanochromism, Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2023, 39(6): 960-967

4.Xiaolu Zhou, Songlin Xu, Liqiang Liu, Yiping Sun, Jinxi Cheng, Xingyu Duan, Lishan Zhou and Hongmei Qu*. 5,5-Dioxoyphenothiazine-based DAD type AIE molecules enabling persistent room temperature phosphorescence, white light emission and dual-mode mechanochromism. Dyes and Pigments, 2021, 188: 109193.

5.Yaru Niu, Chengyao Kimmy Cao, Chenxin Ge, Hongmei Qu*, et al. The Pd-catalyzed synthesis of difluoroethyl and difluorovinyl compounds with a chlorodifluoroethyl iodonium salt (CDFI), Chinese Chemical Letters, 2022, 33: 1541-1544.

6.Shanshan Liu, Hongmei Qu, Dong Yang, et al. Chlorine disinfection increases both intracellular and extracellular antibiotic resistance genes in a full-scale wastewater treatment plant. Water Research, 2018, 136: 131.

7.Chen Jing, Chen Chao*, Chen Junjie, Wang Guohua, Qu Hongmei*, Cu-catalyzed intramolecular aryl-etherification reactions of alkoxyl alkynes with diaryliodonium salts via cleavage of a stable C-O bond. Chem. Commun., 2015, 51: 1356.

8.Sun, YP; Qu, HM*, et al. Room temperature phosphorescence, thermally activated delayedfluorescence and multicolor mechanochromic luminescence of emitters through molecular interaction and conformational modulations, Tetrahedron,2022, 110: 132692-132698.

9.Liqiang Liua, Hongmei Qua,*, et al., Novel naphthalimide derived fluorescent probe based on aggregation-induced emission for turn-on detection of hydrogen sulfide. Tetrahedron, 2021, 81: 131923.

10.Hui Zhang, Xin Zhang, Xu Chen, Hongmei Qu*. Synthesis Mediated by Zirconium, Crystal Structure and Theoretical Studies on Six-substituted Benzene with Silalactone Structure and Butadiene Derivative. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2018, 37(6): 905.

11.Jing Li1. Lu Liu1. Dong Yang1. Weili Liu1. Zhiqiang Shen1. Hongmei Qu2. et al., Culture-dependent enumeration methods failed to simultaneously detect disinfectant- injured and genetically modified Escherichia coli in drinking water, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2017, 19: 720.

12.Hongmei Qu*, et al. Synthesis and Properties of a Series of Dinaphthosiloles. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2017, 33(6): 1253.

13.Hui Wanga, Jun-Qiu Lia, Li-Shan Zhoub, Jun Liua, Juan Lia, Hong-Mei Qua,*, Palladium -catalyzed synthesis of 1,2,3,4-tetraalkyl-1,4-diarylbutadienes by cross-coupling of zircona cyclopentadienes with aryl iodides. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2015, 26:1303.

14.Hong Mei Qu, et al., Synthesis and structure determination of novel hexasubstituted cyclohexa dienes. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2012, 23(10): 1137.

15.Chen, Na, Min Jin, Hong-mei Qu, et al., Isolation and Characterization of Bacillus sp. Producing Broadspectrum Antibiotics against Human and Plant Pathogenic Fungi, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2012, 22(2): 256.

16.Li, S., Qu, H., Zhou, L., Kanno, K., Guo, Q., Shen, B., Takahashi, T. Zirconium-mediated selective synthesis of 1,2,4,5-tetrasubstituted benzenes from two silyl-substituted alkynes and one internal alkyne. Org. Lett. 2009, 11(15): 3318.

17.Seri, T., Qu, H., Zhou, L., Kanno, K., Takahashi, T. Substituent effects in the preparation of naphthacenes by the coupling reaction of diyne-derived zirconacyclopentadienes with tetraiodobenzene. Chem. Asian J. 2008, 3: 388.











