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申雨禾 助理研究员



  • 电子邮箱:yuheshen@tju.edu.cn

  • 办公电话:022-27407799

  • 个人网站:http://chemeng.tju.edu.cn/cn/szdw?type=detail&id=634








目前已在Nat. Commun.、Angew. Chem.、Prog. Polym. Sci.、Chem. Eng. J.等化学、化工、材料领域刊物累计发表SCI论文20余篇,申请中国发明专利4项,一项成果已实现授权专利转让。 主持国家博士后面上项目一项,天津市研究生科研创新项目一项,参与多项国家、省部级科研项目。




1. Yuhe Shen, Rongxin Su, Dongzhao Hao, Xiaojian Xu, Meital Reches, Jiwei Min, Heng Chang, Tao Yu, Qing Li, Xiaoyu Zhang Yuefei Wang*, Yuefei Wang*, Wei Qi*. Enzymatic polymerization of enantiomeric L−3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine into films with enhanced rigidity and stability. Nature communication. (2023) 14:3054. (

2. Yuhe Shen, Rongxin Su, Hatice Altug, Zekai Liu, Xuelin Zhang, Xiaojian Xu, Yaoyu Liang, Jia Kong, Qing Li, Yuefei Wang*, Wei Qi*. Bioinspired Three-Component System to Prepare Full-Color Functional Biomimetic Pigments. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2024, 16, 31, 40531–40542.

3. Yuhe Shen, Yulin Sun, Yaoyu Liang, Xiaojian Xu, Rongxin Su, Yuefei Wang*, Wei Qi*. Full-color peptide-based fluorescent nanomaterials assembled under the control of amino acid doping. Nanoscale Horizons. 2024, DOI https://doi.org/10.1039/D4NH00400K.

4. Yuhe Shen, Yuanyuan Pu, Yulin Sun, Xiaojian Xu, Yaoyu Liang, Xuelin Zhang, Rongxin Su, Yuefei Wang*, Wei Qi*. A Natural Inspired Amino Acid-based Biological Pigment for Near-infrared Cell Imaging. Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 706 (2025) 135758.

5. Yuhe Shen, Yuefei Wang*, Ian W Hamley, Wei Qi*, Rongxin Su, Zhimin He. Chiral Self-Assembly of Peptides: toward the Design of Supramolecular Polymers with Enhanced Chemical and Biological Functions. Progress in Polymer Science. 2021, 123, 101469.

6. Yuhe Shen, Chaoxuan Wang, Zekai Liu, Xuelin Zhang, Rongxin Su, Yuefei Wang*, Wei Qi*. Arrayed Structural Color Membrane Based on Soft Lithography for High-Sensitive Raman Detection. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 652 (2023) 518-528.

7. Yuhe Shen, Jiayu Liu, Yuefei Wang*, Wei Qi*, Rongxin Su, Zhimin He. Colorful Pigments for Hair Dying Based on Enzymatic Oxidation of Tyrosine Derivatives. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2021, 13 (29), 34851-34864.

8. Yuhe Shen, Dongshuang Jia, Yuefei Wang*, Tao Yu, Xiaojian Xu, Heng Chang, Qing Li, Rongxin Su, Wei Qi*. Enzymatic Self-Assembly of Tyrosine-Based Enantiomers into Biomimetic Pigments with Excellent Performance and Wide Application. Dyes and Pigments. 2023, 216(12):111360.

9. Xiaojian Xu, Yuhe Shen(共同一作), Ruizhe Xing, Jie Kong, Rongxin Su, Renliang Huang*, Wei Qi*. Galvanic replacement synthesis of VOx@EGaIn–PEG core-shell nanohybrids for peroxidase mimics. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2024, 16, 17, 21975–21986.

10. Xuejiao Yang, Yuhe Shen (共同一作), Jiayu Liu, Yuefei Wang*, Wei Qi, Rongxin Su, Zhimin He. Rational Design of Chiral Nanohelices from Self-Assembly of Meso-tetrakis (4-Carboxyphenyl) Porphyrin-Amino Acid Conjugates. Langmuir. 2021, 37, 44, 13067–13074.

11. Dongshuang Jia, Yuhe Shen (共同一作), Xuelin Zhang, Yuefei Wang*, Rongxin Su, Wei Qi*. Colorful Pigments Based on Multicomponent Metal‐Phenol Network Nanoparticles for Hair Dyeing. ChemistrySelect. 2022. 7(48).

12. Qing Li, Jiwei Min, Jiaxing Zhang, Meital Reches, Yuhe Shen, Rongxin Su, Yuefei Wang,* and Wei Qi. Enzyme‐Driven, Switchable Catalysis Based on Dynamic Self‐Assembly of Peptides. Angewandte Chemie 135(41). 10.1002/ange.202309830.

13. Tao Yu, Jiangjiexing Wu*, Yuhe Shen, Anastasia Penkova, Wei Qi, Rongxin Su*. Transparent coating based on multienzyme-mimicking Janus nanozyme for synergetic biofouling control in seawater. Chemical Engineering Journal. 498:155144. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2024.155144

14. Jiayu Liu, Jiaxing Zhang, Liwei Zhang, Yuefei Wang*, Hao Wei, Yuhe Shen, Jiwei Min, Xi Rong, Wei Qi*, Rongxin Su, Zhimin He. Hierarchical Metal-Peptide Frameworks with Chirality-Encoded Spiral Architecture and Catalytic Activity. Science China-Chemistry. 2022. 66(1).

15. Chaoxuan Wang, Chuanmei Tang, Yuefei Wang*, Yuhe Shen, Wei Qi*, Ting Zhang, Rongxin Su, Zhimin He. Chiral Photonic Materials Self-Assembled by Cellulose Nanocrystals. Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science. 2022. 26(5). 101017.
