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郑凯天 助理研究员



  • 电子邮箱:zhengkaitian@tju.edu.cn

  • 办公电话:022-27892145

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累计发表SCI论文26篇,其中以第一/通讯作者身份在Chemical Engineering Journal、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces和Applied Surface Science等国际期刊发表论文8篇,获中国授权专利2项。多次受邀担任Separation and Purification Technology, Fuels, Transition Metal Chemistry等国际期刊审稿人。攻读博士学位期间,受国家留学基金委资助于2022年7月至2024年1月在Imperial College London(英国)Magda Titirici教授可持续能源实验室进行为期18个月的联合培养工作,主要从事钠离子电池生物质基硬碳负极的设计、开发和商业化生产。

  1. 许春建、范晓彬、关静、刘国柱、郑凯天、刘红丽.《产学研深度融合下电子特气卓越工程师培养新模式》入选全国首批20个卓越工程师培养改革优秀案例;

  2. 许春建、郑凯天、付涛涛、何永超、蔡旺峰、李国兵.《集成电路用超高纯氘气先进制备及纯化技术》(项目编号:GC-241005602)收录进入中国专业学位案例中心工程案例库。



1. Zheng K, Li G, Xu C*. Advanced battery-supercapacitor hybrid device based on Co/Ni-ZIFs-derived NiCo2S4 ultrathin nanosheets electrode with high performance[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 490: 137-144.

2. Zheng K, Ren J, Li X, ... , Xu C*. Engineering crystalline CoMP-decorated (M= Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn) amorphous CoM LDH for high-rate alkaline water splitting[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 441: 136031.

3. Li G†, Zheng K†, Li W, ... , Xu C*. Ultralow Ru-induced bimetal electrocatalysts with a Ru-enriched and mixed-valence surface anchored on a hollow carbon matrix for oxygen reduction and water splitting[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(46): 51437-51447.

4. Li J†, Zheng K†, Zhang C, ... , Xu C*. Cl modulation on boron-rich carbon embedded with NiFe alloys for efficient oxygen evolution reaction[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 462: 142267.

5. Liu J†, Zheng K†, Hua Y, ... , Xu C*. LDHs and their Derivatives for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Systems: Design, Insights and Applications[J]. ChemElectroChem, 2024: e202400156.

6. Zhang C, Feng Z, Jiao L, ... , Zheng K*, Xu C*. Interface engineering of iron-doped multiphase nickel hydroxide as an effective electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 611: 155781.

7. Yang L, Liu J, Meng X, ... , Zheng K*, Xu C*. The design and control of heat-integrated EDWC processes for the separation of THF/IPA/water[J]. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 20244, 211, 391-404.

8. Li G, Zheng K, Xu C*. An ingenious approach for ZIFs derived N-doped hierarchical porous carbon hybrids with FeCo alloy nanoparticles as efficient bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysts[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 487: 496-502.

9. Li M, Zheng K, Zhang J, ... , Xu C*. Design and construction of 2D/2D sheet-on-sheet transition metal sulfide/phosphide heterostructure for efficient oxygen evolution reaction[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 565: 150510.

10. He Y, Li Y, Zheng K, Li G, Xu C*. Differential temperature control in heat-integrated pressure-swing distillation for separating azeotropes to deal with operating pressure fluctuations[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 178, 115510.

11. Su R, Tao X, Zheng K, ... , Meng X*, Xu C*. Metal-free N, B, F ternary-doped carbon electrocatalyst for boosting the oxygen reduction reaction and high-performance zinc–air battery[J]. Carbon, 2024, 225, 119125.

12. Zhang R, He Y, Yang L, ... , Xu C*. Systematic study of energy-saving bioethanol distillation process with sidestreams: design and control[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, 297: 117736.

13. Guo Z, Xu Z, Xie F, ... , Titirici M*. Investigating the superior performance of hard carbon anodes in sodium-ion compared with lithium- and potassium- ion batteries[J]. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35(42): 2304091.

14. Glatthaar C, Wang M, Wagner L Q, ... , Titirici M*, Smarsly B*. Lignin-derived mesoporous carbon for sodium-ion batteries: block copolymer soft templating and carbon microstructure analysis[J]. Chemistry of Materials, 2023, 35(24): 10416-10433.

15. Jiang J, Ontaneda J, Pal S, ... , Briscoe J*, Titirici M*, Au H*. Enhanced polysulfide trapping in Li–S batteries by dipole alignment in ferroelectric BaTiO3[J]. Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, 17, 6291-6301.


1.许春建, 何永超, 李玲, 李伟松, 张稼骏, 郑凯天. 利用环己酮氨肟化反应热的叔丁醇回收方法[P]. 天津市: CN201910571157.2, 2022-07-08.

2.许春建, 何永超, 李玲, 李伟松, 张稼骏, 郑凯天. 从氨肟化反应产物中分离环己酮肟、环己酮与甲苯的方法[P]. 天津市: CN201910644372.0, 2022-07-08.






