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ACS Catal.:铁氧化物催化剂上二氧化碳辅助乙烷选择性氧化脱氢的表面结构调控机制

近日,天津大学一碳化工课题组在ACS Catalysis上发表了题为“Surface Structure-Dependent Mechanistic Modulation of the Selective Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane with CO2 over Iron Oxide Catalysts”的研究论文。文章的第一作者为2020级博士生康莉,通讯作者为肖田田助理研究员、王胜平教授和马新宾教授。




本研究结合密度泛函理论(DFT)计算与微观动力学模拟,系统探讨了不同FeOx(Fe2O3、Fe3O4和FeO)催化剂在CO2-ODHE反应中的构效关系,解析了不同表面结构对催化性能的影响。研究发现,在不同的FeOx表面结构中,Fe3O4-B2(八面体Fe为暴露端)表面由于其独特的电子和几何结构,展现出最优的乙烯选择性和催化活性。在该表面上,受阻Lewis酸碱对(FLP)与低氧空位形成能的协同作用,可显著降低乙烷脱氢的能垒,促进乙烷活化,同时通过Mars-van Krevelen(MvK)机理实现CO2介导的活性位点再生。此外,Fe3O4-B2表面电子-几何结构对反应路径具有双重调控作用。电子调控——Fe与C2H5作用时Fe 4s轨道与C2H5 π*轨道的轨道能级匹配及对称性匹配,增强了C-Fe键作用强度,抑制了C2H5迁移。几何调控——FLP位点提供的空间约束效应进一步限制C2H5迁移,显著抑制DRE路径的发生,从而提高乙烯选择性。本研究从催化剂表面电子结构-几何构型-催化性能的多尺度关联出发,深入解析了FeOx催化剂在CO2-ODHE反应中的活性位点构筑及反应调控机制,为FeOx催化剂的理性设计提供了理论基础,并为开发高效CO2-ODHE催化体系提供了重要的科学指导。

Figure 1. The mechanism investigation of the CO2-ethane reaction on Fe2O3, Fe3O4-A1, Fe3O4-B2 and FeO surfaces. (a) Energy diagram for C2H6 activation to C2H4 at Fe site. (b) Energy diagram for C2H6 activation to CH3CH at O site. (c) Energy diagram for CO2-ethane reaction. (d) Schematic representation of the CO2-ethane reaction mechanism on FeOx catalysts. The reaction condition is T = 873 K, P = 1 atm.

Figure 2. The activity analysis of the CO2-ethane reaction on Fe2O3, Fe3O4-A1, Fe3O4-B2, and FeO surfaces. (a) Turnover frequencies for ethylene formation and corresponding steady-state coverages of intermediates and active sites obtained from CatMAP software. (b) The schematic diagram of proposed active sites for the CO2-ethane reaction on FeOx catalysts. (c) Charge density differences (δρ = ρA+B−ρA−ρB) for the adsorption of ethane. (d) Charge density differences and (e) electron localization function maps for the transition states (TS) of ethane dissociation (The unit for electron density is e bohr−3). (f) Projected COHP of the C–H, O–H, and C–Fe pairs in the transition states of ethane dissociation on Fe3O4-B2 surface, the integrated COHP (ICOHP) summed the spin-up and spin-down contributions. (g) Correlations between turnover frequencies and the oxygen vacancy (Ov) formation energies of reactive oxygen.

Figure 3. The selective analysis of the CO2-ethane reaction on Fe2O3, Fe3O4-A1, Fe3O4-B2, and FeO surfaces. (a) The activation free energy of the rate-limiting step for ethylene (C2H4) and DRE intermediate CH3CH formation. (b) Electron-density isosurface of FeOx surfaces (The electron-density isosurfaces are plotted at 0.004 e bohr-3). (c) The adsorption energy of C2H5 at Fe and O sites. (d) Projected density of states (PDOS) and projected crystal orbital Hamilton population (pCOHP) of the Fe−C pair for the adsorption of C2H5 on the Fe3O4-B2 surface. The major interactions and energy levels of Fe 3dz2/4s orbitals and C2H5 π* orbitals, segregated by (e) spin-down and (f) spin-up MOs of C2H5 adsorbed on FeO3 cluster, with corresponding wave functions. (g) Coordination structure of surface Fe atoms on different FeOx surfaces.

